Standard Traffic Signage And Its Importance

Standardizing is a handy tool for communication and safety. While some people might think standardizing means nothing less than a row of homes that all look the same, or they think about cloning and mass-production of a matching product, it’s far, far different than that. Most traffic signs follow the standard guide that sets the guidelines for things like sizes, colors, symbols and uses of traffic control devices like radar speed signs.

The significance of using accepted traffic signs can’t be overstated. A sign that does not look like anything drivers recognise as “real” or “official” isn’t going to give you the effect you need, and may not slow traffic in any significant way. But an MUTCD compliant radar sign will be effective by providing instant feedback and warning drivers to their speed. They’ll see the sign as an official sign, and instantly react, in almost all cases, to the information they are given.

When you come to an intersection, you expect a stoplight that is like any other stop light. The red light is on top, yellow is in the middle, and green is on the bottom. This is the standard design that’s not only predicted, but critical. Color-blind drivers can’t see green or red, but know which is lit by its location.

If you’ve ever read notes and letters written centuries past, you could have spotted the spelling variations. There were pitifully few standard spellings for many words, so it was not atypical to see different folks spelling words in a novel way, or the same word spelled differently within the same letter. Standardized spelling permits everyone to learn to read and understand what others write in a way they couldn’t if everybody could spell things how they wanted.

Standard traffic signs and speed display signs serve the same purpose. They are easily recognized as traffic signs that drivers have to pay attention to. Varying from these designs can lead to less effective traffic control and driver confusion.

The driver feedback signs found at follow government standards to ensure that drivers notice them and pay attention for improved neighborhood safety.

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