The Chinese Twelve Animals Zodiac

The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animal signs, each assigned a set of characteristics thought to describe those born under its influence.

Rat: Rats are charming, talkative types who thrive on close relationships and being part of a group. When upset, they easily become nervous or aggressive, and find it difficult to hide their feelings. Rats tend to be quite thrifty and sentimental.

Ox: Oxes feel most at home outdoors and are avid gardeners. Determined and dependable, they keep to themselves and never stray very far from home. Oxes are extremely tolerant of everyone around them and possess a very strong moral code of their own.

Tiger: The Tiger is a brave, unpredictable natural leader. Tigers can be very selfish at times, but they are also generous with everyone around them. Possessing a strong native intelligence and a competitive streak, Tigers seek excitement and the company of interesting people who will challenge them.

Rabbit: The Rabbit seeks peace above all, and will always appear calm on the surface, regardless of how he feels. Rabbits keep their problems to themselves, but are compassionate and always willing to help others. Sensitive and refined, Rabbits seek to possess all the finer things life has to offer.

Dragon: Dragons are not natural leaders, but their charisma often draws others to them. Bold and powerful, Dragons are independent and individualistic. They will always step to the occasion to defend those they love or themselves, and their tempers can be quite spectacular.

Snake: Cunning and graceful, the snake is smart enough to find ways to scheme to get his way when all else fails. The Snake’s analytical nature makes him good at understanding details or making sense of confusing situations. Snakes tend to be very materialistic.

Horse: The Horse is funny and friendly, and is happiest when he is surrounded by friends of all varieties. His open-mindedness and love of meeting others ensures his popularity wherever he goes. Being naturally energetic and adventurous, Horses often find themselves bored by routine.

Goat: Goats are very private and deep thinkers, but beneath their quiet exteriors are nurturing, loving people. They are naturally frugal, but they are not bargain-hunters; instead, they make small financial sacrifices to enable a few large, expensive purchases that are meaningful to them.

Monkey: The Monkey is curious and mischievous. Monkeys are world-class pranksters. They are clever and enjoy being challenged. Early in life, Monkeys can be promiscuous and unwilling to settle down, but once they do choose a partner, they are loyal for life.

Rooster: Roosters are prideful and honest. At times, they appear to be boastful, but that is not their intention; it is merely Rooster’s inherent trademark honest bluntness that causes him to speak so highly of his achievements. Roosters are diligent workers and enjoy being around others.

Dog: Dogs are very honest and loyal, but very slow to trust, and they can sometimes be cold and critical to those they haven’t yet warmed to. At heart, dogs are kind and good listeners. Their empathy is so strong that their investment in their loved ones’ lives is often seen as nosiness.

Pig: The Pig is responsible and peace-loving, but also tends to be a careless spender. Pigs often give in to their weaknesses, whether those are food, drink, or drugs, and they need to be mindful of their health. Pigs are always looking for a good time, and are always surrounded by friends.


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